LKBSFF 2024 > Schedule > Activities


Opening of the Surf Market with Xabi Lopez

Opening of the Surf Market and the rest of the activities by Xabi López: food truck Mafaldo, Taberna LKBSFF – La Salve, mechanical board, children and family workshops, skate exhibition, stands with different brands and organizations related to the environment, surf, sea and sliding sports: Ipar Hego, Olas sin Plástico, Fangaloka, Aloka, UK, Bohemian Bags, Less Plastic Club, Go Sailing Shop, Drip Surfing…

Presentation of 'Surfing 360' with Xabi Lopez

Presentation of the documentary series made together with EITB for the PRIMERAN platform: Surfing 360 by Xabi López, kicking off the Virtual Reality workshops to visit the destinations Xabi has visited in the project, including Namibia, Iparralde, Galicia…

Mechanical surfboard

Fun mechanical surfboard with different levels of difficulty for all ages. Stand upright on our board and the world will be yours!

Virtual Reality sessions

Enjoy incredible waves, landscapes and adventures in different continents of the world without leaving the Itsasmuseum with Virtual Reality glasses thanks to EITB and the ‘Surfing360’ project that will soon be released on the Primeran platform and on the group’s different channels, with Xabi López as the main character.


LKBSFF Taberna by La Salve, the best craft beer in Bilbao accompanied by the Food Truck Mafaldo, gourmet burgers made with love.

Ride along the estuary in an electric boat

Electric boat trips from the Itsasmuseum jetty by Silennis Elec Boats. Enjoy a relaxing and unique ride along the Bilbao Estuary and enjoy a privileged view of our environment thanks to our totally silent and environmentally friendly electric boats.

Skatepark and skate exhibitions

Exhibitions and free use of the skatepark installed on the esplanade of the Itsasmuseum by UK Skatepark and with our concerts in the background and the LKBSFF Tavern as complementary entertainment.

Solidarity walk for adapted sports and surfing

In solidarity!

Great solidarity march to give visibility to inclusive sports and surfing along the Bilbao estuary and its banks, from the Guggenheim to the Itsasmuseum, with surfboard, paddle surf … skate, bike, skates …. We will count with the special participation of Mireia Cabañes (runner-up in the world team adapted surfing championships), FEKOOR (Coordinating Federation of People with Physical and/or Organic Disabilities of Bizkaia) and the Sports without Barriers Foundation, for which funds will be raised in its struggle to obtain scholarships for athletes with functional diversity in order to promote their sports careers. You can sign up, buy your solidarity t-shirt or simply contribute to the cause at

Welcome to the solidarity march + Presentation of FEKOOR and the Sports without Barriers Foundation

Welcome to the solidarity march and invitation to the III Conference on inclusive sport LKBSFF by FEKOOR, Fundación Deporte sin Barreras and Mireia Cabañes.

Family activities for all ages

As a novelty of this edition we will have activities and participatory workshops for all ages. Come to Itsasmuseum to discover the surprises we have prepared for you to have fun, learn and create as a family.

You can enjoy face-painting by professionals and local artists, as well as painting workshops related to surfing, the sea and the environment. In addition, you can make your own ‘cauri’ bracelets or learn more about the Mundaka Wave, among other new features.

Thanks to collaborations with organizations such as Less Plastic Club or professionals from PIE (Plentziako Itsas Estazioa – Plentzia Marine Station) of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), we will know in depth the importance of taking care of our oceans and the possibilities that exist to keep our planet clean.

Presentation of DENEV

Presentation of DENEV surf boards. The birth of DENEV is the result of several factors, although probably the biggest trigger has been the arrival of the Australian shaper Chris Hunt to Euskadi.

DENEV focuses on the technical aspect and the quality of the boards, and thanks to the experience of shaper Chris Hunt in developing high performance boards, they have worked with the best brands in the world as well as with top surfers on the world circuit.

They select a specific range of premium foams, fibres and resin to enable Chris’ shapes to deliver the highest performance, whether it’s for the everyday surfer or those looking for top level competition boards.

Awards ceremony #LKBSFF2024

Closing of the LKBSFF 2024 with the awards ceremony of the Surf Photo Contest and Online Surfing Championship, to the different sections of films submitted to the competition, with the presence of sponsors, collaborators, guests and public (translated into sign language).

Followed by the Etxekalte concert and the bar and food from our food truck by Mafaldo and the LKBSFF Taberna by LA SALVE.

Screening of the documentary Bizkaia Land of Riders

Projection on the big screen of the Itsasmuseum esplanade of the last great documentary produced by Surf Channel TV together with local filmmaker Isio Noya: Bizkaia Land of Riders.

A review of the panorama and the evolution of surfing in Bizkaia, the land through which surfing entered our coast and our country, extending later to the rest of the Basque Country. An opportunity to enjoy surf cinema in the open air and free of charge.

Prize-giving ceremony of the I. Intereskolak Championship by #Getxo

Prize-giving ceremony of the 1st LKBSFF Inter-schools Online Surfing Championship organised by Getxo City Council

*The programme may be subject to last-minute changes for reasons beyond the festival's control.