LKBSFF 2024 > Programming > Music


Live music: Willy from Los Brazos

Free concert in Fangaloka of the solo project of Guillermo Gutierrez, voice and guitar of Los Brazos, a well-known rock band from Bizkaia. Enjoy a musical journey from Africa to the Mississippi Delta, exploring songs and stories from all times and places while enjoying the free appetizers offered by the festival.

Live music: Txopet


In Txopet‘s proposal we find the sharp guitars of Jon (guitar and vocals) over a rhythmic base, in charge of Andoni (drums) and Güemes (bass), which sets the direction with an aftertaste of rabid “garage rock”. Melodies as catchy as melancholic with heartbreaking voices that clutch autotune like a burning nail to get an escape from their worries. Fans of minor keys, sad, deep and intense harmonies. All on a base of reverb sliced and spread over all the instruments. A sound proposal of pure post-millennial idiosyncrasy. Three simple yet nervous guys, who started out without great aspirations. The circumstances of the scene have placed them in a place they did not expect less than a year ago, and hence their commitment to work on a product with potential. In their very short career, they have already conquered such illustrious titles as the “Maketa Lehiaketa” of Gaztea and the “Hiriko Soinuak” of Barakaldo or finished finalists of the 2nd edition of VillaSound Bilbao, thanks to a live performance that hits you right from the first chord and offering a mix of styles that surpasses generations.

Live music: Arketypo


Arketypo is the name behind which hides the Bilbao-born Gonzalo Atela. After exploring different styles and musical genres with guitar and voice; he entered the world of production in 2017. He developed a strong interest in electronic music until April 2020 when he released his first full-length album, “ArKeTyPo”; self-produced from his home studio. His music reflects the different styles that inspire him: electronic, pop, funk, jazz, etc. This allows him to create different rhythms and melodies full of his own identity.

Live music: Laguna Goons

Laguna Goons are a group of kids from Malaga, a bit crazy about music. They formed the band after a traffic accident that sent some of them to the ICU just a few months before quarantine. Con su música intentan transmitir el buen rollo y la locura de algunas de sus aventuras. El cuarteto Laguna Goons, de origen andaluz y afincado en Euskadi, sigue avanzando con paso firme hacia su consolidación dentro de la escena rockera vasca y nacional. Acaban de publicar su nuevo EP, “Teachers”.

Live music: Tiki Phantoms

Los Tiki Phantoms is a Catalan instrumental music group. Their music is based on classic Rock’n’roll, especially Surf Rock. They are characterized by appearing in concerts dressed in a classic black suit and a skull on the face. Throughout their career they have been projecting themselves as one of the most important and promising groups of the genre. They call themselves El Dorado (lead guitar), El Caníbal (rhythm guitar), El Jíbaro (electric bass) and El Bravo (drums), although their real names are unknown.

Live music: Holy Rippers

In 2018, 5 crazies, friends and general jebi lovers voted to name their new band Holy Rippers. This band was born from the ashes of Jackalope, a group with only one gig behind them offered on the birthday of our dear guitarist and friend Raul back in July 2017. As that experience turned out to be a bomb about to explode in 2018 Edu, Gerar, Raúl and Gorka rented a venue in Grabasonic and the adventure began. We were missing a singer, since Rafa, who sang in that gig, had other musical adventures. So in May, after overcoming an arduous test -hehehe- Eneko closed ranks with us and we already had the group. The only thing left was the name, which was thrown up in a strange vote in the beer bar El Molino de Berango, where Gorka accidentally pressed the panic button on his mobile… After these events and the creation of the logo by the great designer Javi, the band started September with Fuerza and shortly after we played at Bar Talako in Lekeitio. This gig was marked by the birth of guitarist Raúl’s daughter, so the band had to make do with only one guitarist. Even so, the band was praised by the critics and had to say goodbye after two encores.

Live music: John Dealer and the Coconuts

John Dealer & the Coconuts are a band from Legazpi, Euskal Herria, finalists of the Azkena Rock Festival contest in 2020. Influenced by the Scandinavian rock wave initiated by The Hellacopters, as well as bands that have picked up their baton, such as Dead Lord or Grande Royale. They are characterized by live shows full of energy and R’n’R. The strength transmitted by the band, as well as their quality, reach all their audience and make the show great. They have finished the year 2023 recording what will be their next album, the sixth of their career.

Live music: Etxekalte

The young quartet from Bermeo, Etxekalte, with agonizing contemporary sounds in post-hardcore swell mode crashing against the reef (Óscar Cubillo dixit) will give the final touch to the awards ceremony of the IX edition of the festival.

Influenced by the musical style of the 90’s and first decade of the 21st century (Grunge, Hardcore, Post-Hardcore, Post-Rock, Melodic Rock, Alternative Rock,…), melodic vocals, dirty guitars and hard rhythms define their character.

Live music: Sergi Estella

Sergi Estella is a Catalan singer, multi-instrumentalist musician and composer stylistically related to blues, American folk, southern rock and rock and roll. He currently plays solo, emulating the popular one man band (solo artists who play more than one instrument, one man band) of American blues.

*The programme may be subject to last-minute changes for reasons beyond the festival's control.