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lkbsff pro! 2025 [bloque I] the basque industrial network under scrutiny

13.03.2025 | 09:30 11:30


First block of the IV Conference of the Audiovisual Industry and Cultural and Creative Industries (ICCs). Dynamized by Zuberoa Andrés and broadcast via streaming.

9:30 The new associative fabric in the Basque Country
Current situation of the associative and collaborative fabric in the Basque Country and how to take advantage of it as a small, medium, large or freelance producer
Ignacio Rotaetxe, EPE-Ibaia

10:15 Creative Europe: Welcome Miss/Mister EU
Is Europe the salvation of the CCIs in the Basque Country? How to take advantage of the NextGenerationEU and more European grants?
Ainhoa Gonzalez, Creative Europe Coordinator DESK MEDIA Euskadi

11:00 Coffee-break & networking


Zugatzarte Etorbidea, 32
Getxo, Bizkaia 48930 Spain

*the programme may be subject to last-minute changes for reasons beyond the festival's control.