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V4 session #lkbsff2025

14.03.2025 | 16:00 17:50


Amazigh 8′ Serra Soyupak (2024)
Calm Down 8′ Fran Rodriguez (2024)
El Diario del Gringo 39′ Rodrigo Farias Moreno (2025)
He’s mine 6′ Sebastien Boulard (2024)
Perspectives 40′ Marc Antoine Protiere (2024)


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16:00—17:50 [sesión V4] 14.03.2025 #lkbsff2025
16:00—17:50 [sesión V4] 14.03.2025 #lkbsff2025


Ramón de la Sota Kaia, 1
Bilbao, Bizkaia 48013

*the programme may be subject to last-minute changes for reasons beyond the festival's control.