best film award

Arthur Bourbon
France, Liberia (2024)

Handcrafted award made of sustainable materials such as ceramics by a local artist, presented by LABORAL Kutxa

Bonus gifts

O’Neill‘s kit of materials and clothing and a series of unique KGuard products, as well as an official festival bag.

best short award

Jonathan Smit
New Zealand (2024)

Handcrafted award made of sustainable materials such as ceramics by a local artist, presented by Itsasmuseum

Bonus gifts

O’Neill‘s kit of materials and clothing and a series of unique KGuard products, as well as an official festival bag.


Julian Azulay
Argentina (2024)

Handcrafted award made of sustainable materials such as ceramics by a local artist, presented by Getxo’s City Council

Bonus gifts

O’Neill‘s kit of materials and clothing and a series of unique KGuard products, as well as an official festival bag.


Igor Bellido
Basque Country

Handcrafted award made of sustainable materials such as ceramics by a local artist, presented by Bilbao Ekintza

Music Library & SFX subscription

Music Library & SFX partner provides a subscription for the film director to use its catalog for future projects.

Bonus gifts

O’Neill‘s kit of materials and clothing and a series of unique KGuard products, as well as an official festival bag.

basque film

Igor Bellido
Basque Country

Handcrafted award made of sustainable materials such as ceramics by a local artist, presented by EITB

Financial support from EITB (500€)

The sponsor EITB Media contributes 500 euros for the director of the film, to boost his/her career and future projects.

Bonus gifts

O’Neill‘s kit of materials and clothing and a series of unique KGuard products, as well as an official festival bag.

best action
sports film

Dani Millán
Canary Islands (2024)

Handcrafted award made of sustainable materials such as ceramics by a local artist, presented by Aloka and Fangaloka

Bonus gifts

O’Neill‘s kit of materials and clothing and a series of unique KGuard products, as well as an official festival bag.

Surf party at Kafe Antzokia, press conference, morning sessions…

Participatory activities, trampolines, workshops, Virtual Reality…

Conciertos gratuitos de grandes músicos y grupos del País Vasco y de otros lugares.

Photographic exhibition, artistic exhibitions, surfboards exhibition of the festival…

More than 60 films selected from 5 continents and of the highest audiovisual level.

Conferences and meetings on sustainable surfing, adapted sports, talks and lectures…

Online Surfing Championship, Surf Photo Contest, Skateboarding…

Skatepark and meeting place for different urban sports, exhibitions…

Artists, organizations and brands showcase their work, products and services

Networking of the CCIs and meeting of the basque audiovisual and creative industries

*the programme may be subject to last-minute changes for reasons beyond the festival's control.

Urteurren borobila ospatuko du 2025ean @bilbaosurf-ek: surfaren unibertso zinematografikoa sustatzeko asmoz sortutako egitasmoak hamarkada beteko du martxoan.

⏳ Abenduaren 15era arte dute zinemagileek film laburrak eta luzeak bidaltzekoaukera.

🎬 ‘Point of Change’ by Rebecca Coley
UK (2023) #LKBSFF2024
by @LABORALkutxa

“Olatu perfektuarekin topo egitean, bi surflarik ustekabeko ondorioen kate-erreakzioa hasiko dute”. Horrela laburbiltzen da Rebecca Coley britainiarraren filma, Best Film Award…

full experience

3 hotel nights

VIP Access to all the festival

Surf / Paddlesurf / Jetboard / Skate

film experience

3 hotel nights

VIP Access to all the festival


3 hotel nights

VIP Access weekend

(just saturday and sunday)

Offered by Bilamn Olsan Group S.L. Festival Travel Agency (Ab 100619). Conditions/availability:

institutional support

Activity subsidised by the Government of Bizkaia

With the support of the Department of Tourism, Trade and Consumer Affairs of the Basque Government

With the help of the Recovery Plan, Transformation and Resilience – NexGenerationEU

With the support of the ICAA (Ministry of Culture, Government of Spain)
