9:30 The new associative network in the Basque Country The current situation of the associative fabric in the Basque Country and how to take advantage of it as a small, medium, large or freelance production company.
10:15 Creative Europe: Welcome Miss/Mister EU Is Europe the salvation of the CCIs in the Basque Country? How to take advantage of the NextGenerationEU and more European aids
11:30 The benefits and dangers of AI
New ways of working with AI
12:15 Audiovisual in 360 / VR
Virtual Reality / 360 / Augmented Reality in the audiovisual sector
With the help of film director and screenwriter Jabi Elortegi, we will talk about the importance of production in an audiovisual project, with examples based on the film ‘El vasco’
Grand opening of the 10th edition of the LABORAL Kutxa Bilbao Surf film Festival in Muxikebarri Getxo, with the presence of guests from the world of surfing, cinema and sport. The Festival kicks off with the screening of the first session of the 2025 Official Selection. In addition to speeches by its protagonists, collaborators and more surprises.
Kameraqua Pauloski (2024) Euskal Herria 20′
Glory and Consequence Jon Aspuru (2025) Euskal Herria 25′
Sensei Igor Bellido (2025) Euskal Herria 26′
One ShotNicolas Pina (2025) España 14′

school matinees
9:30 14.03 Itsasmuseum Bilbao / Muxikebarri Getxo
Morning sessions for schools in Bilbao, Getxo and Bizkaia in which films will be screened and educational talks and workshops will be given, focusing on culture and sports, respect for the environment and inclusion and diversity as central themes.
Enjoy the free art exhibitions available at the Itsasmuseum Bilbao on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the festival: surfboards with mythical surf films, the surfboards of the festival, photographic exhibition…
Bloody Mess Gustav Hugo Olsson (2024) Sweden 3′
Good Morning Gaza Dörthe Eickelberg (2024) Germany, Palestina 11′
The shape of things, the Dick Brewer story Bob Campi (2024) 59′
We Surf the Same Waves Dörthe Eickelberg (2024) 6′
First interview of the great novelty ‘lkbsff podkast’ with renowned surfers. We will be able to chat with them about their experiences, their victories in surfing championships and many more topics that no one expects.
Itinerance Isis Gouhry, Paco Elissalde (2024) France / Basque Country 53′
Surfers in China Huiwei Shi, Hui Wang (2024) China 24′
Amazigh Serra Soyupak (2024) Türkiye 8′
Calm Down Fran Rodriguez (2024) Spain 8′
El Diario del Gringo Rodrigo Farias Moreno (2025) Chile 39′
He’s mine Sebastien Boulard (2024) Portugal 6′
Perspectives Marc Antoine Protiere (2024) France / Basque Country 40′
Backroads Surf Ireland Jose Gonzalez (2024) UK 18′
Territorio Africano II Julian Azulay (2024) Argentina112′
The Way Home Philip Boston (2024) USA20′
Uncle Bully’s Surf Skool Leah Warshawski (2023) 40′
Bathers Theresa Roberts (2024) Australia 13′
Book of Hunter Samuel Fairbank (2024) Australia4′
Pumping Swell in the Sahel Laurent Meillan (2024) Francia, Mauritania52′
Walkabout: the Songlines of Surfing Matty Hannon (2023) Francia 42′
Interview of the great novelty ‘lkbsff podkast’ with renowned surfers. We will be able to chat with them about their experiences, their victories in surfing championships and many more topics that no one expects.
The 900 Turns 25 Steven Lawrence (2024) USA 25′
Piko&Pala Dani Millan (2024) España 73′
The Big Sea Lewis Arnold (2023) Reino Unido75′
Cripta Surf Film Cristian Merello (2024) Chile 25′
17:30—20:00 14.03 Itsasmuseum Bilbao
Enjoy incredible waves, landscapes and adventures in different parts of the world without leaving the Itsasmuseum with Virtual Reality glasses thanks to EITB and the different VR projects where you can practice different sports and do different activities safely.
17:30—20:00 14.03 Itsasmuseum Bilbao
Set of free trampolines for all ages to have fun outside the itsasmuseum along with the other outdoor activities and music.
Opening of Surf Market and the rest of the activities of the Exterior of Itsasmuseum (skatepark, trampolines, Virtal Reality, workshops and concerts). Meet the stands with different brands, creators and organizations related to the environment, surf, sea and sliding sports. It will be a resolution of our already known social media raffle and the time to report exclusively on how to win our great raffle 10th anniversary.
Once again, we will have a foodtruck to quench our stomachs and an open-air tavern thanks to LA SALVE to quench our thirst. You can enjoy the best beers and the best food in Bilbao while you enjoy the participatory activities, the skatepark or the free concerts outside the Itsasmuseum.
Masterclass of rolling skate (urban inline skates) by professionals of ‘Freeskate Academy’, academy of Bilbao and Madrid.
Whether you are just starting or you are already an experienced skater, come learn with us and come to learn and enjoy training with the best!
Humble Days Pablo Bordas (2024) España7′
Social Wave Tiago Ferreira Silva (2024) Portugal22′
The Golden Era of Skateboarding Eddie “El Gato” Elguera, Alfredo M.R. Vicente (2024) USA 69′
Develop Lidewij Hartog (2024) Netherlands 13′
Lucuma Luke Pilbeam (2024) UK 27′
Modo Avión Garazi Sanchez, Iciar Casamitjana (2024) Basque Country, Mexico 16′
Over the Undertow Cassia Walton, Lauren Crerar (2024) New Zealand 16′
Spaghetti Week Joe Morgan (2024) Portugal 15′
21:30 14.03 Itsasmuseum Bilbao
Born in Bilbao in 2022, 3 From Hell burst onto the scene to fill the void of Psychobilly, Hellbilly and Cowpunk. With members of bands like Mud Candies, Boogie Punkers and Pioneers, their sound fuses dark country, Neo-rockabilly, punk, hardcore and surf music, always with a blistering and furious live performance. They have shared the stage with Sex Museum and Santiago Delgado and the Runaway Lovers, and this year they are preparing the recording of their first studio album.
Opening of Surf Market and the rest of the activities of the Exterior of Itsasmuseum (skatepark, trampolines, Virtal Reality, workshops and concerts). Meet the stands with different brands, creators and organizations related to the environment, surf, sea and sliding sports and find out exclusively how to have more chances to win our great raffle.
Analog Waves Pavel Demidovich (2024) Bielorrusia 5′
Nadir Jack Galvin (2024) USA 19′
Orion Shan Canuel & William Comtois-Jean (2024) Canadá 15′
Salt Alice Ward (2024) Irlanda 12′
They Call Me Wazza Jonathan Smit (2023) Nueva Zelanda 10′
Ziran Bella Rose Bunce (2024) Reino Unido 10′
Once again, we will have a foodtruck to quench our stomachs and an open-air tavern thanks to LA SALVE to quench our thirst. You can enjoy the best beers and the best food in Bilbao while you enjoy the participatory activities, the skatepark or the free concerts outside the Itsasmuseum.
Justice Brothers Kieran Hodges (2024) UK, Ghana 6′
Légende Maxime Gueho (2023) France 2′
Teranga. Road pour Dakar Charly Merceron (2024) Francia, Senegal 36′
¿Por qué Australia? Ritxi Goya (2024) Basque Country 32′
#SkateTxapelketak in Jam Session format at the skatepark located outside the Itsasmuseum. U16 category for skateboarders under 16 years old. Skateboarding equipment and gifts will be given to the winners of the championship!
12:00—14:00 15.03 Itsasmuseum Bilbao
Enjoy incredible waves, landscapes and adventures in different parts of the world without leaving the Itsasmuseum with Virtual Reality glasses thanks to EITB and the different VR projects where you can practice different sports and do different activities safely.
Get to know the stands with different brands, creators and organizations related to the environment, surf, sea and sliding sports and find out exclusively how to have more chances to win our great raffle.
12:00—14:00 15.03 Itsasmuseum Bilbao
Set of free trampolines for all ages to have fun outside the itsasmuseum along with the other outdoor activities and music.
Eyes on the Verge Arran Strong (2024) Reino Unido9′
Shaped by the Sea Jared Jacobsen (2024) USA 33′
Two Souls Guillermo Fernandez Carrasco (2024) Spain 3′
We the Surfers Arthur Bourbon (2024) France, Liberia 51′
Third interview of the great novelty ‘lkbsff podkast’ with renowned surfers. We will be able to chat with them about their experiences, their victories in surfing championships and many more topics that no one expects.
#SkateTxapelketak in Jam Session format at the skatepark located outside the Itsasmuseum. OPEN category for pro skaters, over 16 years old. Financial prizes will be distributed among the winners of the championship!
Breaks Christina Yianni (2024) UK 10′
Charged Water Phillip Edler (2025) Germany 22′
Corpórea Itxaso Díaz (2024) Spain 30′
Creatures of Habit Nate Allen Laverty (2024) Canada 38′
Professionals will lead participatory and interactive workshops for all ages around the world-renowned Mundaka Wave.
17:00—19:00 15.03 Itsasmuseum Bilbao
Set of free trampolines for all ages to have fun outside the itsasmuseum along with the other outdoor activities and music.
Get to know the stands with different brands, creators and organizations related to the environment, surf, sea and sliding sports and find out exclusively how to have more chances to win our great raffle.
17:30—20:30 15.03 Itsasmuseum Bilbao
Enjoy incredible waves, landscapes and adventures in different parts of the world without leaving the Itsasmuseum with Virtual Reality glasses thanks to EITB and the different VR projects where you can practice different sports and do different activities safely.
Participatory workshop for all ages in which miniature surfboards will be painted and customized. Perfect to awaken creativity and unleash the various concerns of the most txikis.
Blind Summit James Edgcombe (2024) UK 4′
El Paraiso. Gliding down El Salvador Loic Wirth (2023) Brasil, El Salvador 21′
LATERS Isaac Ennor (2024) New Zealand 34′
Mimi Ishbel Alderman (2024) UK 5′
Olatu baten istorioa Nagore Eceiza (2025) Basque Country 16′
The Little Canoe Iñigo Grasset (2024) Basque Country 7′
We out dere Eric Wittkopf (2024) Ireland 10′
20:00 15.03 Itsasmuseum Bilbao
The best-known quintet of the festival’s skatepark is back. Since 2018, these heavy metal lovers born from the ashes of Jackalope have been critically acclaimed. With energy and desire to continue making history, Holy Rippers are back to cheer us up at #SkateTxapelketa. As they themselves say: God save the heavy metal!
21:00 15.03 Itsasmuseum Bilbao
Awards ceremony for the best films of the 10th edition of #lkbsff in addition to the resolution of the Surf Photo Contest and the Online Surfing Championship. With the presence of sponsors, collaborators, guests and public.
21:45 15.03 Itsasmuseum Bilbao
After two years of putting the finishing touch to the #surfjaia of the festival, this time Arketypo will be in charge of finishing the awards ceremony and the Saturday of #lkbsff2025 in style. His music reflects the different styles that inspire him; electronic, pop, funk, jazz, etc. This allows him to create different rhythms and melodies full of his own identity, which make us all dance and freak out!
Opening of Surf Market and the rest of the activities of the Exterior of Itsasmuseum (skatepark, trampolines, Virtal Reality, workshops and concerts). Meet the stands with different brands, creators and organizations related to the environment, surf, sea and sliding sports and find out exclusively how to have more chances to win our great raffle.
Fourth interview of the great novelty ‘lkbsff podkast’ with renowned surfers. We will be able to chat with them about their experiences, their victories in surfing championships and many more topics that no one expects.
Get to know the stands with different brands, creators and organizations related to the environment, surf, sea and sliding sports and find out exclusively how to have more chances to win our great raffle.

skatepark freestyle
11:00—14:00 16.03 Itsasmuseum Bilbao
Official skatepark of the festival enabled for free and responsible use
11:00—14:00 16.03 Itsasmuseum Bilbao
Enjoy incredible waves, landscapes and adventures in different parts of the world without leaving the Itsasmuseum with Virtual Reality glasses thanks to EITB and the different VR projects where you can practice different sports and do different activities safely.
11:00—14:00 16.03 Itsasmuseum Bilbao
Set of free trampolines for all ages to have fun outside the itsasmuseum along with the other outdoor activities and music.
A free face painting booth will be available on Sunday morning so that everyone who comes to the festival can decorate their faces with unique and personalized designs.
Special screening of a surf film of the highest level by our O’Neill collaborators, who work with the best surfers and filmmakers at European and international level
(O.V.) Original version, without subtitles
Screening of the short documentary ‘Big Wave Surfing on the Basque Coast’ by Roge Blasco. Presentation of ‘Big Wave Basque Country’ with its authors, a large format book that covers the big wave surfing scene on the Basque coast. It shows the places, the best sessions, interviews with local and international surfers, manufacturers of special boards to slide in giant waves, names the different modalities, rescue and rescue teams and even how to manage fear. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Great final farewell of the LABORAL Kutxa Bilbao Surf Film Festival 2025 with the resolution of the great 10th anniversary draw
*the programme may be subject to last-minute changes for reasons beyond the festival's control.
*the programme may be subject to last-minute changes for reasons beyond the festival's control.
- 00day
- 00hour
- 00min
- 00seg
More This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
30,00€Original price was: 30,00€.24,99€Current price is: 24,99€. -
More This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
50,00€Original price was: 50,00€.25,00€Current price is: 25,00€.
Urteurren borobila ospatuko du 2025ean @bilbaosurf-ek: surfaren unibertso zinematografikoa sustatzeko asmoz sortutako egitasmoak hamarkada beteko du martxoan.
⏳ Abenduaren 15era arte dute zinemagileek film laburrak eta luzeak bidaltzekoaukera.
full experience
3 hotel nights
VIP Access to all the festival
Surf / Paddlesurf / Jetboard / Skate
film experience
3 hotel nights
VIP Access to all the festival
3 hotel nights
VIP Access weekend
(just saturday and sunday)
Offered by Bilamn Olsan Group S.L. Festival Travel Agency (Ab 100619). Conditions/availability: info@fangalokastyle.com
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