42 tickets encontrados.
actividades #lkbsff2025
Calendario de Tickets
L Lun
M Mar
X Mié
J Jue
V Vie
S Sáb
D Dom
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11 tickets,
exposición artística de surfboards: el surf en el cine
14.03.2025—16.03.2025 | Exterior Itsasmuseum Kanpoaldea
apertura surf market + sorteos 10. aniversario
apertura surf market + sorteos 10. aniversario
17:30—18:00 | 14.03.2025 | Exterior Itsasmuseum Kanpoaldea
11 tickets,
O’Neill film: ‘Maps to nowhere: The Continent of Sand’
O’Neill film: ‘Maps to nowhere: The Continent of Sand’
12:00—12:30 | 16.03.2025 | Auditorium Itsasmuseum